Website Audit
Trusted by 25,000+ businesses
Why agency and in-house professionals choose us
All crucial metrics in one simple dashboard
Get an overview of a site’s health and communicate any issues to clients using easy-to-read graphs
SMBs pick
Raw crawl data combined with expert tips
Start by fixing critical errors reported by the tool or filter through the extensive raw crawl data for unique insights
Powerful crawler handling large sites
Crawl up to 1,000 pages in a few minutes and audit up to 150k pages per project
agencies pick
Measurable progress to report on
Compare website audit results and generate reports that clearly demonstrate your achievements
Custom crawler settings to match your needs
Set your own scanning rules, exclude irrelevant checks, set your own metric parameters, and more
120+ metrics for in-depth analysis
Rest assured that no crucial tech issues hindering your SEO efforts will go unnoticed
Give your site a quick health checkup
Site audit with essential domain metrics
All critical metrics, one clear dashboard
Dozens of technical SEO metrics that matter
SEO audit of every single page, link, or resource
With detailed tooltips, even beginners can easily manage their websites
Get notified if your files are not optimized
Compare your site audits to measure your progress over time
Your audit, your rules
Define site audit periods
Choose when to audit your site and how to do it: start the audit manually or set up automatic checks
Get audit reports in your inbox
Say goodbye to time-consuming technical SEO audits with reports sent straight to your inbox
Check specific pages
Limit a site audit or expand it to your whole website. Our reports are laser-focused either way
Set website audit limits
Manage parser settings and decide the scope of your audit with full control over the entire process
Choose parameters to check
Worried about page load speed but already sorted your title and meta tags? Choose the website audit categories that reflect your needs
Create custom rules
Your site. Your Choice. Create custom rules that generate the insights you need, and start supercharging your SEO strategy
Perform a website audit easily with SE Ranking
Choose a website you want to audit and hit the "Analyze" button
Go make yourself a coffee or tea—we will crawl your website and deliver a comprehensive report before you even finish
Flexible Website Audit pricing in your SE Ranking toolbox
Choose your ideal pricing plan, request a custom quote, or test this tool out with a free trial.
website audit for 100,000 pages
Up to 10 projects
- 750 keywords for Rank Tracker
- Backlink Monitor and Backlink Checker
- SERP Analyzer
website audit for 250,000 pages
All Essential features with extended limits
- from 2000 keywords for Rank Tracker
- Unlimited number of projects
- User seats
website audit for 700,000 pages
All Pro features with extended limits
- from 5000 keywords for Rank Tracker
- API access